Half Day Preconference

We Geek Advocacy: Using Lessons from Turning the Page and Geek the Library

HALF DAY; Wednesday, March 12, 9:00 AM–12:30 PM

This program will focus on the connection between Turning the Page (TtP) and Geek the Library, and how lessons from both can inform effective advocacy and community engagement activities. Participate in breakouts and develop action items to implement in your library. Previous participation in Geek or TtP is not required.

Presenters: Bill Harmer, Chelsea (Mich.) District Library; Mary Hirsh, Public Library Association, Chicago, Ill.; Jennifer Powell, OCLC, Dublin, Ohio

Target Audience: Any library staff interested in becoming a better advocate

At the end of this preconference participants will:

  • Be familiar with Geek the Library and Turning the Page, and understand the connection between the two programs;
  • Think more broadly about local advocacy and know how to initiate consistent and effective community engagement activities in their organizations; and
  • Have advocacy action items that can be shared with their wider organization and implemented immediately.